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UX Camp Spring - Chicago Camps
UX Camp Spring - Chicago Camps
UX Camp Spring Home Edition is a full day of UX Goodness–we’ll leave few topics uncovered and you’ll learn current topics and improved upon standards in one of the hottest fields today!
UX Camp Spring - Chicago Camps
UX Days 2022 - Flupa UX Days 2022
UX Days 2022 - Flupa UX Days 2022
C’est l’évènement international francophone incontournable dédié à l’expérience utilisateur, avec des ateliers pratiques et des conférences.
UX Days 2022 - Flupa UX Days 2022
beyond tellerrand – An event about Web, Design and Technology
beyond tellerrand – An event about Web, Design and Technology
beyond tellerrand is the affordable single-track event where creativity and technology meet. Taking place in Düsseldorf, Berlin and Munich with 500+ attendees each in a renowned, familiar and friendly atmosphere.
beyond tellerrand – An event about Web, Design and Technology
The Swiss unconference focused on user experience design
Google I/O 2022
Google I/O 2022
I/O: Live From Shoreline. Join Online May 11-12, 2022.
Google I/O 2022
Nx Conf 2022 - October 17th, 2022
Nx Conf 2022 - October 17th, 2022
Nx Conf is a conference featuring members of the Nx team and the community. Join us as we share our ideas and expertise about monorepos and making development faster, more scalable, and more collaborative.
Nx Conf 2022 - October 17th, 2022
TestJS Summit
TestJS Summit
TestJS Summit is a 2-day conference discussing all things JS testing. The event is going to gather thousands of QAs and developers in the cloud on Nov 3-4, 2022
TestJS Summit
Chrome Developer Summit 2020 - YouTube
Chrome Developer Summit 2020 - YouTube
As always, we kept things simple with a single track of content, including a bunch of bonus videos. Over the two days, we shared what’s possible on the web b...
Chrome Developer Summit 2020 - YouTube
sec4dev – the security Conference & Bootcamp for developers. Let's make security a first-class citizen in software development! The sec4dev Conference & Bootcamp is a Vienna-based security event which targets one very specific group: people involved in software development. It is our mission to bring together the best industry professionals, thus having a sustainable and positive impact on the software security landscape.
Touch - Digital Summit 20
Touch - Digital Summit 20
Remote international tech conference with hybrid networking and industry-specific talks and workshops in Central Eastern Europe.
Touch - Digital Summit 20
The world's largest JavaScript conference • December 5-6, 2019 • Paris, France