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Register for PlatformCon 2023
Register for PlatformCon 2023
Connect with fellow platform practitioners, learn from the best in the industry and engage directly with speakers on Slack.
Register for PlatformCon 2023
Front-End Test Fest | June 7 • 10:00 AM ET
Front-End Test Fest | June 7 • 10:00 AM ET
Front-End Test Fest is a free virtual event with topics such as UI/UX design and testing, component and E2E testing, AI, accessibility, and more.
Front-End Test Fest | June 7 • 10:00 AM ET
Storybook Day
Storybook Day
A free online conference about the future of UI development with Storybook. See what’s new in 7.0 and meet world-class frontend devs.
Storybook Day
React Summit US – The Biggest React Conference in the US
React Summit US – The Biggest React Conference in the US
React Summit US is an in-person and remote first (hybrid) conference of all things React, gathering OSS authors, top trainers and speakers, as well as web engineers across the globe to meet in New York and online.
React Summit US – The Biggest React Conference in the US
Futurist Expo - Professional networking globally
Futurist Expo - Professional networking globally
Futurist Expo is an event about future and human progress, which will bring together international participants and audiences with the aim to showcase ideas, products and services beneficial for the future of society.
Futurist Expo - Professional networking globally
AI Toolbox for innovators
AI Toolbox for innovators
Generate, test, and pivot ideas like a pro with our AI-powered innovation toolbox. Our free tools, including future scenario creators and interview script generators, will elevate your innovation process so you can focus on bringing your ideas to life.
AI Toolbox for innovators
Handverk og hönnun í Ráðhúsi Reykjavíkur
Handverk og hönnun í Ráðhúsi Reykjavíkur
Handverk og hönnun í Ráðhúsi Reykjavíkur 4.- 7. maí 2017 HANDVERK OG HÖNNUN hélt stóra sýningu og kynningu á handverki, hönnun og listiðnaði í Ráðhúsi Reykjavíkur í byrjun maí 2017. Fjölbreytnin réð ríkjum á sýningunni og greinilegt að gróskan er mikil í íslensku handverki, hönnun og listiðnaði. Meðal þess sem hægt var að skoða voru munir úr horni og beini, skartgripir, barnaföt, leir- og trémunir, leðurvörur, skór og fatnaður. Þessi sýning hefur verið afar vinsæl frá upphafi en hún var fyrst haldin árið 2006. Það eru listamennirnir og hönnuðirnir sjálfir sem kynntu vörur sínar á sýningunni. Myndir frá sýningunni
Handverk og hönnun í Ráðhúsi Reykjavíkur
Home - FITC
Home - FITC
FITC is a professional celebration of the best the world has to offer in design, digital development, media and innovation in creative technologies
Home - FITC