The Making of Close
How To Deploy A Next.js Website To A DigitalOcean Server
JSON vs XML - CoRecursive Podcast
Clear-Site-Data - HTTP | MDN
#120 - Software Architecture: From Fundamentals to the Hard Parts - Neal Ford
Web Push for Web Apps on iOS and iPadOS
How To Deploy Your Node.js App On AWS With NGINX And SSL
Read Jit Blog Post: NPM Audit: 5 Ways to Use it to Protect Your Code |
W3C re-launched as a public-interest non-profit organization
Cloud design patterns - Azure Architecture Center
Sending web push notifications in Safari and other browsers | Apple Developer Documentation
The forgotten mistake that killed Japan's software industry - Disrupting Japan
Logging practices I follow
Server-side A/B testing with Node.js - LogRocket Blog
Using Chart.js in Nodejs server and exporting it as an image. | Ekta Prasad
Understanding The Vary Header — Smashing Magazine
Guide to Web Authentication
15 Years of Twitter vs That One Rich Asshole
Building a website like it's 1999... in 2022 - localghost
The Hidden Beauty of Databases: Explained for Non-Techies Like Never Before - Aman Y. Agarwal
Replace axios with a simple custom fetch wrapper
Axios can do a ton of stuff, but here's a simpler solution that can handle most use cases
Learn Enough Docker to be Useful. Part 1: The Conceptual Landscape | by Jeff Hale | Towards Data Science
The Tech Stack of a Solo-Developer to build a SaaS With React and AWS | Hacker Noon
Learn 📚 | tinyhttp — 0-legacy, tiny & fast web framework as a replacement of Express
tinyhttp is a modern Express-like web framework for Node.js. It uses a bare minimum amount of dependencies trying to avoid legacy hell.
Rethinking Twitter as a Serverless App | CSS-Tricks
In a previous article, we showed how to build a GraphQL API with FaunaDB. We've also written a series of articles explaining how traditional databases built
OpenAPI Specification - Version 3.0.3 | Swagger
Getting Started with Serverless Angular Universal on AWS Lambda - Twilio
Learn to start using the JavaScript framework Angular Universal and deploy your Node.js applications that use it on AWS Lambda in this easy-to-follow programming tutorial.
Distributed Tracing for Complex Systems | Lightstep
Lightstep is the easiest way for developers and SREs to understand complex systems.
Introduction to Varnish — Varnish HTTP Cache
How Netflix Scales its API with GraphQL Federation | Netflix TechBlog
Learn how Netflix uses GraphQL federation for its API architecture, offering a unified, curated API powered by decoupled back-end services.