Ted Underwood 29 June 2023 A graduate student who fell asleep in 1982 and woke up in 2022 might see large language models as a triumph for cultural theory. It is hard to imagine a clearer vindicati…
The Personalization Wave, A Surge of Wildly Human-Intensive Non-Scalable Experiences, & Ideas Of The Month
We cannot surf waves without knowing where they may take us, right?! Let's discuss implications of the personalization wave and the anticipated rise of non-scalable experiences.
AI is introducing the third user-interface paradigm in computing history, shifting to a new interaction mechanism where users tell the computer what they want, not how to do it — thus reversing the locus of control.
Critical Analysis You are an advanced AI Language Model trained in critical thinking and analysis and your task is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the following piece of work art litera...
Inside GitHub: Working with the LLMs behind GitHub Copilot | The GitHub Blog
Developers behind GitHub Copilot discuss what it was like to work with OpenAI’s large language model and how it informed the development of Copilot as we know it today.
Noam Chomsky: AI Isn't Coming For Us All, You Idiots
Linguist Noam Chomsky argues that current AI is not as advanced as people believe, and that AI chatbots are limited in their creativity and understanding of the world.
How To Use AI Tools To Skyrocket Your Programming Productivity — Smashing Magazine
The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recent times has incited fear in many over losing their jobs. However, that shouldn’t be the case. On the contrary, AI is an opportunity to take your programming to the next level when used tactfully with the right knowledge, as we’ll cover today.
LMSYS Org, Large Model Systems Organization, is an organization missioned to democratize the technologies underlying large models and their system infrastructures.