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Ethical Hacking 101 Workshop
Ethical Hacking 101 Workshop
Join this hands-on, virtual workshop to get an introduction to ethical hacking and learn how you can proactively identify security weaknesses in your systems before they can be exploited.
Ethical Hacking 101 Workshop
Shamir Secret Sharing
Shamir Secret Sharing
It’s 3am. Paul, the head of PayPal database administration carefully enters his elaborate passphrase at a keyboard in a darkened cubicle of 1840 Embarcadero Road in East Palo Alto, for the fifth time....
Shamir Secret Sharing
Salt Labs | Oh-Auth - Abusing OAuth to take over millions of accounts
Salt Labs | Oh-Auth - Abusing OAuth to take over millions of accounts
It’s extremely important to make sure your OAuth implementation is secure. The fix is just one line of code away. We sincerely hope the information shared in our blog post series will help prevent major online breaches and help web service owners better protect their customers and users.
Salt Labs | Oh-Auth - Abusing OAuth to take over millions of accounts
Top 10 Cyber Security Threats 2023
Top 10 Cyber Security Threats 2023
# Insider Threats, #Ransomware, AI-Powered Attacks, Cloud Security, Cyber Threat Landscape, Cybersecurity Threats, Emerging technologies…
Top 10 Cyber Security Threats 2023
Content Security Policy, Your Future Best Friend — Smashing Magazine
Content Security Policy, Your Future Best Friend — Smashing Magazine
The benefits of using a “content security policy” are many. In this article, Nicolas Hoffmann will introduce you to this technology, and he’ll explain why awareness is the most important advantage of CSP for website maintainers.
Content Security Policy, Your Future Best Friend — Smashing Magazine
How To Secure Your Web App With HTTP Headers — Smashing Magazine
How To Secure Your Web App With HTTP Headers — Smashing Magazine
Web applications, be they thin websites or thick single-page apps, are notorious targets for cyber-attacks. In 2016, approximately 40% of data breaches originated from attacks on web apps — the leading attack pattern. Indeed, these days, understanding cyber-security is not a luxury but rather **a necessity for web developers**, especially for developers who build consumer-facing applications. HTTP response headers can be leveraged to tighten up the security of web apps, typically just by adding a few lines of code. In this article, we’ll show how web developers can use HTTP headers to build secure apps. While the code examples are for Node.js, setting HTTP response headers is supported across all major server-side-rendering platforms and is typically simple to set up.
How To Secure Your Web App With HTTP Headers — Smashing Magazine
Threat Hunting: Detecting Browser Credential Stealing [T1555.003] - FourCore
Threat Hunting: Detecting Browser Credential Stealing [T1555.003] - FourCore
Adversaries can steal credentials, cookies and other private data from browsers using various techniques. We cover how you can simulate Credential Stealing From Browser s and detect it with your security tools. Sigma Rules Inside.
Threat Hunting: Detecting Browser Credential Stealing [T1555.003] - FourCore
The UK Online Safety Bill Becomes Law, What Does It Mean?
The UK Online Safety Bill Becomes Law, What Does It Mean?
We’ve previously reported from the UK about the Online Safety Bill, a piece of internet safety legislation that contains several concerning provisions relating to online privacy and encryptio…
The UK Online Safety Bill Becomes Law, What Does It Mean?
crowdsecurity/crowdsec: CrowdSec - the open-source and participative IPS able to analyze visitor behavior & provide an adapted response to all kinds of attacks. It also leverages the crowd power to generate a global CTI database to protect the user network.
crowdsecurity/crowdsec: CrowdSec - the open-source and participative IPS able to analyze visitor behavior & provide an adapted response to all kinds of attacks. It also leverages the crowd power to generate a global CTI database to protect the user network.
crowdsecurity/crowdsec: CrowdSec - the open-source and participative IPS able to analyze visitor behavior & provide an adapted response to all kinds of attacks. It also leverages the crowd power to generate a global CTI database to protect the user network.
Mastodon and Lemmy are turning into tiny DDoS botnets
Mastodon and Lemmy are turning into tiny DDoS botnets
I know for a fact that this site can handle the Hacker News front page as I have been on it a few times in the last two years, and today - someone
Mastodon and Lemmy are turning into tiny DDoS botnets