Triplex — The React Three Fiber Editor
Build Emails with a Delightful DX
Home | Santa
Little Snitch
Plane - The open source project management tool
Luro | Capture the Value of Your Design Work With Luro
Clerk | Authentication and User Management
sverweij/dependency-cruiser: Validate and visualize dependencies. Your rules. JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript. ES6, CommonJS, AMD.
naptha/tesseract.js: Pure Javascript OCR for more than 100 Languages 📖🎉🖥
Turso | SQLite Developer Experience in an Edge Database
Shots - Create Amazing Mockups
GitHub notifications on your menu bar - Gitify
googleapis/release-please: generate release PRs based on the spec
af/envalid: Environment variable validation for Node.js
nodejs/citgm: Canary in the Gold Mine
Rezact/Rezact: A JavaScript Framework/Library (call it what you want) that blends the best of svelte, solid, react, and many others.
SukkaW/nolyfill: Speed up your package installation process, reduce your disk usage, and extend the lifespan of your precious SSD.
swup — Versatile and extensible page transition library for server-rendered websites
Video Thumbnail API
Free AI-Powered Photo Restoration Service to Restore Photos |
Free Image File Converter: Covert Images in a Variety of Formats -
depcheck/depcheck: Check your npm module for unused dependencies
tada5hi/smob: A zero dependency library to safe merge objects and arrays with customizable behavior.
sxzz/stale-dep: Check if your `node_modules` is stale.
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