MarginallyClever/Makelangelo-software: Software for plotters - especially the wall-hanging polargraph also called Makelangelo.
plottrbottr: lace maker 2
SVG to CNC / Forrest O. | Observable
jbum/qd_mosaic: Build SVG plotter mosaics using the doodles in the Quick Draw dataset.
anvaka/peak-map: Make a ridge line chart from any region on Earth
Draw all roads in a city at once
City Generator by ProbableTrain
Dotgrid by Rek & Devine
urpflanze-org/urpflanze: A library for developers who want to approach to creative coding, artists who want to approach coding and for those who find it fun to play with math.
ehufsted/HalftonePAL: Halftone with Points and Lines
Wallpaper Group Editor
STL to SVG: Hidden wire frame removal
SonarSonic/DrawingBotV3: DrawingBotV3 is a software for creating line drawings from Images
Contours - Axis Maps
jasonwebb/SuperformulaSVG: 2D superformula line-art generator built in Processing, with SVG export for use in digital fabrication workflows.
th0ma5w/StringyPlotter: Continuous lines from 1-bit images
MandalaGaba - a free tool for creating Zen Geometry
CreativeInquiry/PEmbroider: Embroidery Library for Processing
Powerful, online SVG editor for teams
Method Draw Vector Editor
SVG Artista - SVG Drawing Animation Generator
Vivus Instant - inline SVG animation with CSS
Icon transition generator