flutter_hooks | Flutter Package
MicroAcquire, the #1 Startup Acquisition Marketplace
MicroAcquire helps startups find buyers. Simple as that. We’ll help you start conversations that lead to an acquisition in just 30 days – for free.
TermsFeed Generators - TermsFeed
ImHex - Hex Editor
A Hex Editor for Reverse Engineers, Programmers and people who value their retinas when working at 3 AM.
Transition.css - easy transitions with clip-path
Mailgun - Code Snippet
A collection of code snippets – including serverless functions, Node.js scripts, and CSS tricks.
typpo/chartjs-to-image: Simple library for converting Chart.js to image on backend and frontend
React Hooks library for Ethereum – wagmi
Integrating with Wagmi
useOnScreen React Hook - useHooks
Calculate Readability Scores For Content | Simo Ahava's blog
Calculate readability scores (e.g. Flesch-Kincaid, SMOG) for your content, and send the values as Custom Dimensions to Google Analytics.
Metarank - a low-code Machine Learning personalization service
Metarank is an open-source ML service doing personalized ranking. It reorders blog posts, articles, and products to boost user engagement and conversion.
Welcome To Partytown
June - Product-Led Analytics
June is instant analytics, it connects to your user behaviour data and automatically generates the metrics you should track to grow your business.
madhu-sagar/system-design-react-code-examples: A curation of code examples and in depth technical implementation approaches to solve the common frontend system design issues in React.
Get alerts for keywords in your Vercel logs. Never be in the dark about an issue. Fix errors faster.
examples/edge-functions/hostname-rewrites at main · vercel/examples
Gradients for Tailwind CSS | Hypercolor
js2coffee 2.0 — convert JavaScript to CoffeeScript
A JS to CoffeeScript trans-compiler
Chiff · Login without passwords
Trade on world events with Event Contracts.
Vantage is a self-service cloud cost platform that gives developers the tools they need to analyze, report on and optimize AWS and GCP costs.
Pipe – Grow on your terms
Get up to the full annual value of your booked monthly and quarterly contracts. Scale your business without dilution or debt.
Krisp - Noise Cancellation and Echo Removal
Krisp cancels background noise and reduces echo during your calls. Get started with Krisp today and enjoy effective online meetings.
ssshape → SVG Blob/Organic Shape Generator with Extra Controls
vizzuhq/vizzu-lib: Library for animated data visualizations and data stories.
learn-regex/README.md at master · ziishaned/learn-regex
gitpod-io/openvscode-server: Run upstream VS Code on a remote machine with access through a modern web browser from any device, anywhere.
API for Email, SMS, Web & Mobile Push Notifications | Courier