alefduarte/image-resize-compress: image-resize-compress is a library that allows you to compress, resize or convert an image without any extra dependency
SteamDeckHomebrew/decky-loader: A plugin loader for the Steam Deck.
nanostores/nanostores: A tiny (334 bytes) state manager for React/RN/Preact/Vue/Svelte with many atomic tree-shakable stores
interop/ at main · web-platform-tests/interop
parseablehq/parseable: Parseable is a modern log store and analysis engine built for developers. It is a lightweight, low latency, cloud native alternative to Elastic.
sindresorhus/slugify: Slugify a string
mongodb/js-bson: BSON Parser for node and browser
Vincenius/img-quest: An open-source API to generate Open Graph images
Build internal tools, remarkably fast.
arktypeio/arktype: The first isomorphic type system for TS/JS
Hono - Ultrafast web framework for the Edge
timlrx/tailwind-nextjs-starter-blog: This is a Next.js, Tailwind CSS blogging starter template. Comes out of the box configured with the latest technologies to make technical writing a breeze. Easily configurable and customizable. Perfect as a replacement to existing Jekyll and Hugo individual blogs.
serverless-stack/open-next: Open source Next.js serverless adapter
Introduction - Hot Chocolate
DoneDeal0/superdiff: Superdiff compares two arrays or objects and return a complete diff of their differences in a readable format.
CreativeInquiry/PEmbroider: Embroidery Library for Processing
jasonwebb/SuperformulaSVG: 2D superformula line-art generator built in Processing, with SVG export for use in digital fabrication workflows.
ehufsted/HalftonePAL: Halftone with Points and Lines
urpflanze-org/urpflanze: A library for developers who want to approach to creative coding, artists who want to approach coding and for those who find it fun to play with math.
jbum/qd_mosaic: Build SVG plotter mosaics using the doodles in the Quick Draw dataset.
MarginallyClever/Makelangelo-software: Software for plotters - especially the wall-hanging polargraph also called Makelangelo.
wblut/isogrid: Processing code to generate isometric line plots of a generative geometry system
nornagon/saxi: Tools & library for driving the AxiDraw pen plotter