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01 Elementor vs Gutenberg - wpWax Official (, 02/2024)
01 Elementor vs Gutenberg - wpWax Official (, 02/2024)

Nachricht auf Mastodon zum verlinkten Artikel auf, bei dem ich kommentiert habe (auf der Website muss man dazu eingeloggt sein):

What precisely do you mean with »Gutenberg«?

The block editor? The site editor? The plugin? The project?

I thought that you're probably talking about the block editor for content, but I stopped reading at »As of now, Gutenberg has more than 300 thousand users with a rating of only 2.1 out of 5.«

That refers to the Gutenberg plugin. Completely separate from the block editor. Don't mix it all up. Be precise.

01 Elementor vs Gutenberg - wpWax Official (, 02/2024)
01 Elementor vs Gutenberg: What are the Differences and Similarities (, 05/2022)
01 Elementor vs Gutenberg: What are the Differences and Similarities (, 05/2022)
Typischer Artikel, der »Gutenberg« mit dem Block-Editor gleichsetzt und dann die Bewertungen des Gutenberg-Plugins hinzuzieht. Block-Editor, Website-Editor, Projekt und Plugin werden alle munter durcheinander geworfen. Siehe auch die Nachricht von wpWax auf Mastodon und meinen Kommentar dazu.
Gutenberg, developed by the same folks behind WordPress is a text-based block editor for a WordPress website. It’s very powerful and easy to use. You can design a beautiful content layout with this page builder. It was first introduced by Matt Mullenweg in 2017 at WordCamp Europe. It’s a great tool for creating a clean and organized website. Gutenberg is an open-source project and it works as a block editor. With this tool, you need to add different blocks for different elements such as headings, paragraphs, quotes, lists, images, galleries, buttons, etc. These blocks contain their own layouts that are customizable and can be saved for later reusable purposes. These features make working with Gutenberg more fun than work. It’s similar to building a LEGO set. Just put together the blocks in a specific order and create your webpage! You can even use different third-party Gutenberg blocks for more customization options. As of now, Gutenberg has more than 300 thousand users with a rating of only 2.1 out of 5.
01 Elementor vs Gutenberg: What are the Differences and Similarities (, 05/2022)