A book about how to create a simple website and publish it on Neocities.
HTML isn’t only for people working in the tech field. It’s for anybody, the way documents are for anybody. HTML is just another type of document. A very special one—the one the web is built on.
I’m Blake Watson. I’ve been building websites since the early 2000s. Though I work professionally in the field, I feel strongly that anyone should be able to make a website with HTML if they want. This book will teach you how to do just that. It doesn’t require any previous experience making websites or coding.
I will cover everything you need to know to get started in an approachable and friendly way.
Sehr ausführliche Referenz!
Recommended Minimum
- meta charset
- meta viewport
- title entspricht dem Grundgerüst aus dem Buch
erklärt auch alle anderen Elemente: <base> <link> <style> <script> und <noscript>
Meta Link Icons Social Meta Browser / Platforms
Netter Artikel von Stephanie Eckles mit schönen Beispielen für K07.
HTML is supposed to be easy to learn. And sure, the basics are pretty clear, like when to use a p over an a. (But, lol, watch out for when to use a vs button). Mastodocon
It's one of the core principles of web development and it means that you should Choose the least powerful language suitable for a given purpose.
Custom Switches (genial)
- Checkbox wird per CSS zu einem Schieberegler
- appearance: none = geil
- input checkbox wird grauer Hintergrund
- ::before wird little white dot
- :checked { background: green }
- :checked::before { transform: translateX(1rem); }
Datalist, a native autosuggest
A color picker that does more <label> <input type="color" /> Color </label>
Accordions Dialog modals
There are dozens more examples I could've added into this article, here are just some you can look into:
- Native smooth scrolling with scroll-behavior: smooth (but only when prefers-reduced-motion: no preference matches!),
- Native carousels with scroll-snap,
- "In-view" elements with position: sticky
…Not to name the whole concept of container queries.
And if we look into the future, we're getting even more cool things:
- Scroll driven animations
- Masonry layouts with grid-template-rows: masonry
- A fully stylable select with the new selectlist element (where you can style each part of a select without destroying all the native functionality it comes with)
- The :has() selector that's going to eliminate a whole class of JS selection
Sehr schöne Übersicht: nofollow sponsored etc.