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Templating in HTML
Templating in HTML
So to put it simply, the <template> HTML element is intended to store HTML that is not yet used. The element itself and all its content are invisible, so it can be basically anywhere in the document without much risk. Although you’d typically have your templates at the root level.
Templating in HTML
My current HTML boilerplate (, 04/21)
My current HTML boilerplate (, 04/21)
Every element I use for the basic structure of a HTML document, with explanations why. Usually when I start a new project, I either copy the HTML structure of the last site I built or I head over to HTML5 Boilerplate and copy their boilerplate. Recently I didn’t start a new project, but I had to document the structure we use at work for the sites we build. So, simply copying and pasting wasn’t an option, I had to understand the choices that have been made.
My current HTML boilerplate (, 04/21)