Found 43 bookmarks
NO to HTML5 document outline | HTML5 Doctor (Steve Faulkner, 06/2016)
NO to HTML5 document outline | HTML5 Doctor (Steve Faulkner, 06/2016)
»For the last few years, the HTML5 specification has included a warning about the lack of implementations and has suggested that the document outline algorithm not be relied upon to convey heading semantics to users. Recently this has been taken a step further. Now the HTML 5.1 specification  requires developers to use h1-h6 to convey document structure. The simple reason for this change is that the HTML5 document outline is not implemented and despite efforts to get it implemented, the general response from user agent developers has not been enthusiastic. «
NO to HTML5 document outline | HTML5 Doctor (Steve Faulkner, 06/2016)
Adactio: Journal—AMPed up (02/2016)
Adactio: Journal—AMPed up (02/2016)
Jeremy Keith's article about »Apple has Apple News. Facebook has Instant Articles. Now Google has AMP: Accelerated Mobile Pages. The big players sure are going to a lot of effort to reinvent RSS. That may sound like a flippant remark, but it’s not too far from the truth.« Sein Fazit: Gemäß der Indie Web Idee von POSSE (Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere) ist AMP nur eine weitere Art der Syndikation. Solange das so ist, ist es okay.
Adactio: Journal—AMPed up (02/2016)
HTML Wireframes | Brad Frost
HTML Wireframes | Brad Frost
Problems with High-Fidelity Static Wireframes - They’re abstractions - They’re full of assumptions - They’re verbose - They’re a crutch Lo-fi HTML Wireframes - They get into the browser quicker - They reinforce the notion that you’re creating a website - They’re interactive - They allow for living, breathing annotations - They lay the foundation for the final product - They allow you to iterate »From Wireframe to Final Product« am Beispiel der Website für die Greater Pittsburgh Community Foodbank
HTML Wireframes | Brad Frost
HTML5 Semantics (Bruce Lawson, Smashing, 11/2011)
HTML5 Semantics (Bruce Lawson, Smashing, 11/2011)
Much of the excitement we’ve seen so far about HTML5 has been for the new APIs: local storage, application cache, Web workers, 2-D drawing and the like. But let’s not overlook that **HTML5 brings us 30 new elements to mark up documents and applications**, boosting the total number of elements available to us to over 100.
HTML5 Semantics (Bruce Lawson, Smashing, 11/2011)
The Importance Of HTML5 Sectioning Elements (Smashing, 2013)
The Importance Of HTML5 Sectioning Elements (Smashing, 2013)
By Heydon Pickering. Nobody wants them, but Heydon is a purist and explains it beautifully. Whatever you call them — blocks, boxes, areas, regions — we’ve been dividing our Web pages into visible sections for well over a decade. The problem is, we’ve never had the right tools to do so. While our interfaces look all the world like grids, the underlying structure has been cobbled together from numbered headings and unsemantic helper elements; an unbridled stream of content at odds with its own box-like appearance.
The Importance Of HTML5 Sectioning Elements (Smashing, 2013)