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Custom sorting
You don't need JavaScript for that - HTMHell (12/2023)
You don't need JavaScript for that - HTMHell (12/2023) Mastodocon

It's one of the core principles of web development and it means that you should Choose the least powerful language suitable for a given purpose.

Custom Switches (genial)

  • Checkbox wird per CSS zu einem Schieberegler
  • appearance: none = geil
  • input checkbox wird grauer Hintergrund
  • ::before wird little white dot
  • :checked { background: green }
  • :checked::before { transform: translateX(1rem); }

Datalist, a native autosuggest

A color picker that does more

Accordions Dialog modals

There are dozens more examples I could've added into this article, here are just some you can look into:

  • Native smooth scrolling with scroll-behavior: smooth (but only when prefers-reduced-motion: no preference matches!),
  • Native carousels with scroll-snap,
  • "In-view" elements with position: sticky

…Not to name the whole concept of container queries.

And if we look into the future, we're getting even more cool things:

  • Scroll driven animations
  • Masonry layouts with grid-template-rows: masonry
  • A fully stylable select with the new selectlist element (where you can style each part of a select without destroying all the native functionality it comes with)
  • The :has() selector that's going to eliminate a whole class of JS selection
You don't need JavaScript for that - HTMHell (12/2023)
My current HTML boilerplate (, 04/21)
My current HTML boilerplate (, 04/21)
Every element I use for the basic structure of a HTML document, with explanations why. Usually when I start a new project, I either copy the HTML structure of the last site I built or I head over to HTML5 Boilerplate and copy their boilerplate. Recently I didn’t start a new project, but I had to document the structure we use at work for the sites we build. So, simply copying and pasting wasn’t an option, I had to understand the choices that have been made.
My current HTML boilerplate (, 04/21)