PubPsych is a free information retrieval system for psychological resources. It offers a comprehensive and balanced selection of resources from a growing number of international databases with a European focus, covering the needs of academic and professional psychologists.
Take the free Emotional Abuse Test. Learn what you should do next to stop an abuser. Don't suffer from verbal, mental, psychological, or emotional abuse.
If you think you may be suffering psychological abuse or have doubts about whether your relationship is healthy, loving and based on respect, take the Psychological Abuse Test.
You Are Not Crazy - Listen to What Verbal Abuse Really Sounds Like.
Listen to an abusive episode caught on tape. Verbal abuse is ALWAYS a prelude to violence. Can you recognize verbal/emotional abuse in action? You may find out you'e not crazy,you're being abused.
Selective, frequently-updated, annotated listing of more than 700 information-rich web sites offering resources for women's studies and women's issues. Sixteen subject sections to aid searches.