Gormley - Blake Tait & Fran Forsberg - October 25, 2023

Second “Million March” Against 2SLGBTQ Education Fails To Draw Significant Nation-Wide Numbers
Hundreds turn out in clash of support over SOGI in Vernon
Vernon teacher explains what SOGI is, and why it’s needed
‘No one is telling kids to be anything other than what they are’
Nanaimo’s LGBTQ community and allies louder than SOGI misinformation
“Parents’ Rights” Rhetoric Is Rooted in Radical Conspiracy Theories | The Walrus
VIDEO: Pro and anti-SOGI groups stage opposing, loud rallies in Nanaimo
Protests over sexual orientation and gender identity school program clash in Kelowna | Globalnews.ca
Pro- and anti-SOGI rallies held in B.C. and across the country
Rally in support of SOGI education in schools runs unopposed at B.C. legislature
Protesters in downtown Saskatoon rally against Parents' Bill of Rights, anti-SOGI group | CBC News