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1,200 is More Than 6 | Science-Based Medicine
1,200 is More Than 6 | Science-Based Medicine
The American Academy of Pediatrics added 72 deaths to its COVID-19 death tally in the past month. This is over ten times the number of children who died of flu since the pandemic started. It should be humiliating to argue that SARS-CoV-2 in kids is roughly, roughly the same as influenza, maybe even less severe than influenza, seasonal influenza in kids. Yet, many doctors still do. When it comes to dead children, 1,200 is much larger than 6.
1,200 is More Than 6 | Science-Based Medicine
2023-08-10 COVID-19 took a toll on heart health and doctors are still grappling with how to help
2023-08-10 COVID-19 took a toll on heart health and doctors are still grappling with how to help

How profound a toll COVID-19 has taken on the nation's heart health is only starting to emerge, years into the pandemic.

"We are seeing effects on the heart and the vascular system that really outnumber, unfortunately, effects on other organ systems," said Dr. Susan Cheng, a cardiologist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

2023-08-10 COVID-19 took a toll on heart health and doctors are still grappling with how to help
It took two years for the WHO to admit covid is airborne. The reason is rooted in science history
It took two years for the WHO to admit covid is airborne. The reason is rooted in science history
Covid, it’s now an established fact, is airborne. Though aerosols and droplets may sound similar, their public health implications are very different. The assumption that covid was spread by droplets informed public health advice such as stressing the importance of social distancing, wearing any kind of mask including cloth ones, and disinfecting surfaces—as opposed to focusing on high-quality masks that can stop aerosol transmission (such as N95s) and ventilation.
It took two years for the WHO to admit covid is airborne. The reason is rooted in science history
2023-08-21 Long COVID. Shorter Life? New research reveals an arduous road to recovery
2023-08-21 Long COVID. Shorter Life? New research reveals an arduous road to recovery
Practically since the term “long COVID” was coined, anecdotal evidence and shorter-term studies indicated that the often-debilitating condition would not only affect significant numbers of people (roughly 15% of all U.S. adults have experienced long COVID symptoms) but also that it might do so in the most serious ways.
2023-08-21 Long COVID. Shorter Life? New research reveals an arduous road to recovery