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It took two years for the WHO to admit covid is airborne. The reason is rooted in science history
It took two years for the WHO to admit covid is airborne. The reason is rooted in science history
Covid, it’s now an established fact, is airborne. Though aerosols and droplets may sound similar, their public health implications are very different. The assumption that covid was spread by droplets informed public health advice such as stressing the importance of social distancing, wearing any kind of mask including cloth ones, and disinfecting surfaces—as opposed to focusing on high-quality masks that can stop aerosol transmission (such as N95s) and ventilation.
It took two years for the WHO to admit covid is airborne. The reason is rooted in science history
Lifting Universal Masking in Schools — Covid-19 Incidence among Students and Staff | NEJM
Lifting Universal Masking in Schools — Covid-19 Incidence among Students and Staff | NEJM
In February 2022, Massachusetts rescinded a statewide universal masking policy in public schools, and many Massachusetts school districts lifted masking requirements during the subsequent weeks. In the greater Boston area, only two school districts — the Boston and neighboring Chelsea districts — sustained masking requirements through June 2022. The staggered lifting of masking requirements provided an opportunity to examine the effect of universal masking policies on the incidence of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) in schools.
Lifting Universal Masking in Schools — Covid-19 Incidence among Students and Staff | NEJM