Movie-Map - The tourist map of movies
Many Eyes
Google Earth Hacks - Lots of downloads, information and hacks for Google Earth.
Maps and GPS Info - Useful Information on Maps and GPS
Geonames Query Home Page
Where is anywhere?
Regional Map - Southern Africa
image links to TAFs and METARs
Virtual Globetrotting: Home
Google (and other) interfaces
Get a map online free from Ordnance Survey, Britain's national mapping agency
uk aerial photography: aerial maps, digital aerial photos, aerial photo prints
Google Maps Latitude, Longitude Popup
TuxMobil: Linux Applications for GPS Navigation
Happy Camel, match your GPS with your digital photographs
OpenLayers: Home
Home of Aerotools
phone java applet for gps bluetooth
The New Zealand Open GPS Maps Project for Garmin Mapping GPS
Zenbu. Find Everything.
Devon Strut Local Airfields
Cornwall, Devon
airspace maps for Google Earth
Great Circle Mapper
French Airfield Impressions
google map of french airfields
NAV2000 - L'information aéronautique pour le pilote de loisir
Aerial Views Of UK Airports & Airfields
UK Airfields POIs for Google Earth
active and disused airfields kmv file
Met Office: Surface pressure forecast
synoptic charts forecast
GPX Aviation Waypoint Generation
many countries, many aviation waypoint types
Duncan (of "the list") chart folding technique
Aerial Views Of UK Airports & Airfields
Meteo Maps | FlyForFun - Weer - Actuele neerslag, bewolking, het weer, weerbericht, satellietbeelden
Navigeo - Recherche d'un terrain