Out of It | Mary Gaitskill | Substack
Out of It | Mary Gaitskill | Substack
Notes from outside the consternation machine. Click to read Out of It, by Mary Gaitskill, a Substack publication with thousands of readers.
Out of It | Mary Gaitskill | Substack
Academy of Ideas | Claire Fox | Substack
Academy of Ideas | Claire Fox | Substack
Your one-stop-shop for staying up to date with everything we do at Academy of Ideas to defend free speech, extend the public square and democracy, and beat the culture war. Click to read Academy of Ideas, a Substack publication with thousands of readers.
Academy of Ideas | Claire Fox | Substack
Astral Codex Ten Podcast
Astral Codex Ten Podcast
The official audio version of Astral Codex Ten, with an archive of posts from Slate Star Codex. It's just someone reading Scott Alexander's blog posts.
Astral Codex Ten Podcast
Welcome to LessWrong! - LessWrong
Welcome to LessWrong! - LessWrong
We are a community dedicated to improving our reasoning and decision-making. We seek to hold true beliefs and to be effective at accomplishing our goals. More generally, we work to develop and practice the art of human rationality.
Welcome to LessWrong! - LessWrong