Altruism as a central purpose - EA Forum
Free-spending EA might be a big problem for optics and epistemics - EA Forum
effective altruism bribery self-serving hypocrisy
Our Top Charities | GiveWell
Chartbook on Shutdown: Keynes and why we can afford anything we can do. – ADAM TOOZE
Men Will Literally Have Completely Different Mental Processes Instead Of Going To Therapy
On the useful/lessness of therapy
The Western mind no longer understands Putin - New Statesman
John Gray
Many Intellectuals Can't Stand Jordan Peterson. Why? - Foundation for Economic Education
On Bounded Distrust | Don't Worry About the Vase
Tracy Beth Hoeg, MD PhD: The Interview
Masking, vaccines, etc. Vinay Prasad
“This Is Pleasure,” by Mary Gaitskill | The New Yorker
The West isn’t dying – its ideas live on in China - New Statesman
John Gray
Letters on Liberty – Academy of Ideas
Steven Pinker: ‘A generation has to watch every word . . . It could cripple intellectual life’ | Times2 | The Times
How John Gray’s philosophy helped me understand my war experience | Aeon Essays
"john gray" philosopher - Google Search
The Ezra Klein Show - The New York Times
Marginal REVOLUTION - Small Steps Toward A Much Better World
Tyler Cowan
Alex Tabarrok