Ireland first! - Patrick Pearse - Selected writings - The Wayfarer.
On Not Being A Victim
On Not Being A Victim
On Not Being A Victim - Sex, rape, and the trouble with following rules. By Mary Gaitskill, Harper Magazine
Joe Sacco: On Satire a response to the Charlie Hebdo attacks | World news | The Guardian
In Solidarity With a Free Press: Some More Blasphemous Cartoons - The Intercept
A lesson in Newspeak by Daniel Hannan - The New Criterion
Coprocess Programming and Interactive Commands in Shell Scripts
Vim Regular Expressions 101
Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet by DaveChild - Cheat Sheets For Every Occasion
Kailath Lecture and Colloquia
Let's Not Dumb Down the History of Computer Science - Donald Knuth
Powerbase is a guide to networks of power, lobbying, public relations and the communications activities of governments and other interests.
Copyrightpirates - Copyright infringement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An advertisement for copyright and patent preparation services from 1906, when copyright registration formalities were still required in the US.
10 of the best library bars in London | Stylist Magazine
Raspberry Pi Cookbook - Simon Monk - Google Books
DS18B20 temperature sensing | OpenEnergyMonitor
The Invention of C - Nice bit of net lore
IP Application Services Configuration Guide, Cisco IOS Release 12.4 - Configuring IPv4 Broadcast Packet Handling [Cisco IOS Software Releases 12.4 Mainline] - Cisco
UDP forwarding rewrites the broadcast IP address of a UDP packet to either a unicast (specific host) IP address or a directed IP broadcast.
The 28 days debate is a red herring compared to this attack on free speech » The Spectator
Garmin Maps | Cloning Method: Install a Map Update Directly to the SD Card. | POI Factory
The myth of religious violence | Karen Armstrong | World news | The Guardian
Mitchell Plateau Airstrip | Explore Parks WA | Department of Parks and Wildlife
Kimberley Airstrips
Running lean of peak - another
Running lean of peak
Aviation Weather Services
SR22 Cirrus specs
Ask Slashdot: Life Beyond the WRT54G Series? - Slashdot
Flights to the Australian Outback
Soldering Station Variable Temperature 50W - TOL-10707 - SparkFun Electronics