How to think about Islamic State | Books | The Guardian
Je suis Charlie? I’m sorry, but that’s no longer enough | Brendan O’Neill | spiked
What 'free speech' didn’t tell us about Charlie Hebdo jokes - Telegraph
Christopher Booker: What 'free speech' didn’t tell us about Charlie Hebdo jokes
LENIN'S TOMB: Charlie Hebdo 'not racist'? If you say so.
CHARLIE HEBDO: Not racist? If you say so...
A criticism, before the shootings, of Charlie Hebdo
I watch therefore I am: seven movies that teach us key philosophy lessons | Film | The Guardian
Pathways to Philosophy - distance learning, online courses, BA degree
On Not Being A Victim
On Not Being A Victim
On Not Being A Victim - Sex, rape, and the trouble with following rules. By Mary Gaitskill, Harper Magazine
A lesson in Newspeak by Daniel Hannan - The New Criterion
Kailath Lecture and Colloquia
Let's Not Dumb Down the History of Computer Science - Donald Knuth
The Invention of C - Nice bit of net lore
The 28 days debate is a red herring compared to this attack on free speech » The Spectator
The myth of religious violence | Karen Armstrong | World news | The Guardian
Privacy under attack: the NSA files revealed new threats to democracy | Technology | The Guardian
Eben Moglen
Bell's theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
quantum mechanics physics
Eben Moglen Explains Freedom and Free Software in Two Video Interviews - Slashdot
The Gulf War Did Not Take Place - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edward Snowden and his like are vital antidotes to the surveillance state | Simon Jenkins
A Manifesto for the Truth by Edward Snowden --
JM Coetzee: Universities head for extinction | Education | Universities | Mail & Guardian
Godel and his citizenship hearing
Games vs. Art: Ebert vs. Barker | Roger Ebert's Journal | Roger Ebert
Games Without Frontiers: Poetic 'Passage' Provokes Heavy Thoughts on Life, Death
xkcd: Hofstadter
The Partially Examined Life | A Philosophy Podcast and Philosophy Blog
The making of Winston Churchill : The New Yorker
Inverted totalitarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Literature Police
Beacon for Freedom of Expression