PC World - Seven Post-Install Tips for Ubuntu 7.04
100 Best Movies of All Time by Mr. Showbiz
Virtual Globetrotting: Home
Google (and other) interfaces
philbull: Feisty feature of the day
articles on Ubuntu 7.04 features
wind forecasts worldwide
Regional Map - Southern Africa
image links to TAFs and METARs
File flight plan online - South Africa
File flight plan online - South Africa
.. Aviation Direct ..
Airfield directory for southern Africa, and PC flight planning software
south african online flight plan filing
Aviation - South African Weather Service
description of xml2 html2 2csv etc tools
AvCom :: View topic - Me needs advise from the Eastern Cape / Cape Town boys PLEAS
Geonames Query Home Page
Where is anywhere?
Maps and GPS Info - Useful Information on Maps and GPS
AFRICASPOTTER - Aviation, airports and planespotting in Southern Africa
Google Web Toolkit - Build AJAX apps in the Java language
Tide Forecaster (New Zealand) - NIWA Science
www.TheHangar.co.uk - UK Aviation Waypoint Data
Google Earth Hacks - Lots of downloads, information and hacks for Google Earth.
HotUKDeals - Main Page
All-Attitude Upset Recovery Technique Checklist
WHERE NEO-NOMADS' IDEAS PERCOLATE / New 'bedouins' transform a laptop, cell phone and coffeehouse into their office
Debian Package of the Day
Learn French in France - French Language school - Course in France - study french- Courses
New Zealand, Australian and South West Pacific Weather and 7-day rain and wind forecasts
Many Eyes
Understanding and Fixing OpenOffice.org Spell Check Problems - webskills4u.com
Help Me Once & For All: Openoffice Spellcheck Never Works. - Page 2 - Ubuntu Forums