Air Show Calendar - Introduction
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PGG Wrightson Real Estate Rural Farms Houses Land for Sale New Zealand
haast airstrip
AIP New Zealand
AIP online
F. E. Potts' Web Outpost: TOC page
bush flying
Aeronautics Learning Laboratory for Science Technology, and Research (ALLSTAR) Network
performance derivations C172 etc
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics - Home Page
The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Aviation Formulary V1.43
AVgas Forum
general, not just avgas
Pilot Supplies, Avionics, and Homebuilt Aircraft Parts from Aircraft Spruce and Specialty Co.
Budd Davisson's
Aircraft reviews, flying tips
Met Office: METARs for South-East England, East Anglia, Midlands and Wales
Met Office: TAFs for South-East England, East Anglia, Midlands and Wales
Aircraft reports
AOPA Online - AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Highlights
Regional Map - Southern Africa
image links to TAFs and METARs
File flight plan online - South Africa
File flight plan online - South Africa
.. Aviation Direct ..
Airfield directory for southern Africa, and PC flight planning software
south african online flight plan filing
Aviation - South African Weather Service
AvCom :: View topic - Me needs advise from the Eastern Cape / Cape Town boys PLEAS
AFRICASPOTTER - Aviation, airports and planespotting in Southern Africa - UK Aviation Waypoint Data
All-Attitude Upset Recovery Technique Checklist
Flyer Air Portal
magazine sells leading-edge medical and safety products at discount.
You Can Fly Anything
FireFly Aviation - Firefly FLY750 pilot aviation headset
headset recommended by Loop