GPSBabel - convert, upload, download data from GPS and Map programs
UK Airfield Menu
SL7 3DR - Google Maps
Wycombe Air Park
Airfield aerial photographs
ICAO and non-ICAO on another 3 linked pages - latitude and longitude coordinates in embedded links
Homepage | goFLYING
Display planned route, automate whizwheel calculations, and display GPS tracks
NotamPlot v2
Plot NOTAM information using Google Earth - requires GBP40 p.a. subscription to
NotamView NOTAM Viewer
Aviation database portal. Aerodrome airport airfield information. Maps. Flight planning also. Worldwide
Free maps, and GPS real time interfacing, and more - integrated aviation solution - moving map GPS - all for free
GPS Manager Home Page
Manages GPS tracks, routes and waypoints
New Zealand airfields
Google Maps interface
Regional Map - Southern Africa
image links to TAFs and METARs
Devon Strut Local Airfields
Cornwall, Devon
airspace maps for Google Earth
Great Circle Mapper
French Airfield Impressions
google map of french airfields
NAV2000 - L'information aéronautique pour le pilote de loisir
Aerial Views Of UK Airports & Airfields
UK Airfields POIs for Google Earth
active and disused airfields kmv file
GPX Aviation Waypoint Generation
many countries, many aviation waypoint types
Duncan (of "the list") chart folding technique
Aerial Views Of UK Airports & Airfields
Meteo Maps | FlyForFun - Weer - Actuele neerslag, bewolking, het weer, weerbericht, satellietbeelden
Navigeo - Recherche d'un terrain
QFU: site d'échange pour l'aviation légère
oa2gm - airspace maps translator
Freeflight Airspace
airspace plotter
Convert OpenAir - GoogleMaps
SkyVector: Flight Planning / Aeronautical Charts