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Work: Comparing Text, part 1
CouchDB: The Definitive Guide
The Pirate Party: how to bypass the great Australian firewall - Slideshow - Computerworld
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Protect Your PostScript Files from Being Converted to PDF | Linux Journal
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Schneier on Security: The NSA Is Breaking Most Encryption on the Internet
X-No-Wiretap – Blog
xkcd: Lisp
Games Without Frontiers: Poetic 'Passage' Provokes Heavy Thoughts on Life, Death
Object Oriented Exception Handling in Perl - Perl.com
How the Bitcoin protocol actually works | DDI
Eben Moglen Explains Freedom and Free Software in Two Video Interviews - Slashdot
Raspberry Pirate Radio | MAKE
Raspberry Pi Radio Transmitter
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Turning the Raspberry Pi Into an FM Transmitter - Imperial College Robotics Society Wiki
Create an Internet Radio FM Transmitter | Weed Pi
RadioPi (Cheap Remote Monitoring!) | Andy Pi
G4ILO's Blog: Best Morse Decoder
PhoneGap | Home
The Invention of C - Nice bit of net lore