Extend Firefox
Oracle vs. PostgreSQL: Users speak out
Cockpit and Small Boat GPS
What is OpenLaszlo, and what's it good for? | Don Hopkins
[howto] General 6.06 - How to: Broadcom Wireless cards - Ubuntu Forums
FireBug - JoeHewitt.com
Firefox extension
New vim features
Big WebOS roundup - 10 online operating systems reviewed at franticindustries - web 2.0, social networking, IT technology trends.
Pen Drive Linux » Boot and run Linux from a USB flash memory stick.
XML for Perl developers, Part 1: XML plus Perl -- simply magic
new product called Pipes
Yahoo! Launches Pipes
Debian Package of the Day
Slashdot | HTTPS Cookie Hijacking Not Just For Gmail
EGT and CHT Interpretation
Creating bootable loopmounted backups using Bubakup (For standard Ubuntu not Wubi) - Ubuntu Forums
Idea #404: "Allow current configuration to be written to a Live CD/DVD/USB/etc." - Ubuntu brainstorm
How to make a live CD/DVD from your harddisk installation - Ubuntu Forums
Using Google Spreadsheets Like a Database – The QUERY Formula « OUseful.Info, the blog…
How to Install and Configure dnsmasq | iceflatline
Google Tips
Music in all rooms: the networked audio home