Cockpit and Small Boat GPS
GPS Visualizer
converts coordinates from GPS files and draws tracks etc onto Google Maps, Earth and jpegs etc creates maps
free GPS Software and mapping for navigation on Laptop, Pocket PC and Smartphone
windows only
Happy Camel, match your GPS with your digital photographs
FrontPage - MoinMoin Wiki
Linux for PDAs
GPX Aviation Waypoint Generation
many countries, many aviation waypoint types
oa2gm - airspace maps translator
GPX Waypoint Generation
Using filters with GPSBabel - OpenStreetMap Wiki
gpsbabel -i gpx -f in.gpx \ -x transform,wpt=trk,del \ -x radius,distance=1.1K,lat=40.01,lon=10.001,nosort,exclude \ -x transform,trk=wpt,del \ -o gpx -F out.gpx