Many Intellectuals Can't Stand Jordan Peterson. Why? - Foundation for Economic Education
The Western mind no longer understands Putin - New Statesman
John Gray
Men Will Literally Have Completely Different Mental Processes Instead Of Going To Therapy
On the useful/lessness of therapy
Chartbook on Shutdown: Keynes and why we can afford anything we can do. – ADAM TOOZE
Our Top Charities | GiveWell
Free-spending EA might be a big problem for optics and epistemics - EA Forum
effective altruism bribery self-serving hypocrisy
Altruism as a central purpose - EA Forum
Enthymeme - Wikipedia
The Copenhagen Interpretation of Ethics – Almost No One is Evil. Almost Everything is Broken.
Idol Words - by Scott Alexander - Astral Codex Ten
The keeper of the three omniscient idols (where one always tells the truth, one always lies, and one answers randomly) does what is important.
Chat with an artificial intelligence, OpenAI GPT3. Turing Test!
Effective Altruism As A Tower Of Assumptions
Chatting with OpenAI's GPT3 - by Paul Beardsell
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False - Wikipedia
Ioannides 2005
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