We Already Knew That Cephalopods Were Intelligent, but Not to This Extent: A Cuttlefish Has Passed a Test Designed for Children
Whalesong patterns follow a universal law of human language, new research finds
Bonobos recognize the ignorance of others, a trait once thought to be unique to humans
Whale song shows 'hallmarks' of human language
Cephalopods Pass Cognitive Test Designed For Human Children
Oriental Hornbills Show Off Cognitive Skills That Rival Those Of Apes
A Thinking Bird or Just Another Birdbrain? (Published 1999, NYT on Alex)
Parrots friendship video chats new study animal research
Cephalopods Can Pass a Cognitive Test Designed For Human Children
Crows outthink monkeys, can grasp recursive patterns
I put a camera on a monkey. It shook my understanding of humanity - Big Think
Group of Monkeys Kill Over 250 Dogs for 'Revenge' in Indian Town
Happy the Elephant Is Sentient and Complex, But Does an Animal Deserve the Same Rights of a Human?
Ants hold grudges, study suggests
Dogs really are communicating via button boards, new research suggests | Popular Science
Amazon.com: The Edge of Sentience: Risk and Precaution in Humans, Other Animals, and AI: 9780192870421: Birch, Jonathan: Books
Immediate ban on boiling crabs and lobsters called for after study - Earth.com
Octopuses work together with fish to hunt – and the way they share decisions is surprisingly complex
Resurfaced Videos Appear to Show Chimpanzees Speaking
A New Study Just Revealed That Chimpanzees May Actually Have The Ability To Speak Like Humans
Chimpanzees appear ‘capable’ of human speech in remarkable resurfaced videos, researchers reveal
Challenging Our Views of Cognition – New Johns Hopkins Test Reveals That Mice Think Like Babies
Zoologist Arik Kershenbaum: ‘We all want to know whether animals talk and what they’re saying’
Scientists observe chimpanzees using human-like warfare tactic
Jeff Sebo on Instagram: elephant rights
For First Time, Crows Have Been Found To Use Statistical Inference To Make Decisions
How Scientists Managed To Transfer "Memories" Between Snails
Amazing Discovery Claims Elephants Have Specific 'Names' For Each Other
Scientists actually managed to translate chimpanzee language for the first time
Scientists Discover Bug That Uses Tool
Watch an Octopus Ace an Intelligence Test With Unexpected Solution - AZ Animals
Jumping Spiders May Have a Cognitive Ability Previously Only Found in Vertebrates
Why did none of the dinosaurs develop sentience? - BBC Science Focus Magazine
Happy the elephant is not a person, New York court rules
Wait, chimpanzees can talk?
Assume that animals have feelings too, say cognitive biologists
Scientists Discovered a Way to Read The Minds of Jellyfish, And It's Phenomenal
Octopuses, lobsters, and crabs are sentient beings, says new U.K. study
Octopuses, Squid, And Lobsters Recognized As Sentient Beings In UK
Octopuses, Crabs, and Lobsters are Sentient Beings, Says Updated UK Law
Lobsters and crabs are sentient beings and shouldn't be boiled alive, UK report says
Don't be afraid of this arachnid; Bold Jumping Spiders are a tiny 'bundle of personality'
Do butterflies retain their caterpillar memories? - BBC Science Focus Magazine
Animals Recognized as Legal Persons for the First Time in U.S. Court
Jumping Spiders Seem to Have a Cognitive Ability Only Previously Found in Vertebrates
Suckers for learning: why octopuses are so intelligent
Why are octopuses so intelligent? - Big Think
Do octopuses have souls? "My Octopus Teacher" and the question of octopus consciousness
Sperm whales outwitted 19th-century whalers by sharing evasive tactics | Live Science