Planning and Vision

Metagovernance Pod [PUBLIC]
Metagovernance Pod [PUBLIC]
Welcome to Rabbithole’s Metagovernance Pod! This workspace is for Pathfinders interested in building a sustainable metagovernance practice, creating positive-sum outcomes in protocols + communities adjacent to Rabbtihole through democratic governance. Our Metagovernance Pod has 2 main goals: a) Become a recognized metagovernance leader in the web3 ecosystem b) Educate new + experienced contributors about what metagovernance is and ways they can get involved Any questions? DM Justine (justine#3900) or Zach (ZD#0036) in Discord!
Metagovernance Pod [PUBLIC]
Who decides who decides? How to start a group so everyone can have a voice
Who decides who decides? How to start a group so everyone can have a voice
A book for starting groups with sociocracy - a step-by-step guide for governance and decision-making that's clear and inclusive. For startups, activist groups, any kind of group that cares about their own purpose and their process.
Who decides who decides? How to start a group so everyone can have a voice
BSA: Core Principles and Objectives 2018
BSA: Core Principles and Objectives 2018
Call it a manifesto... Call it a political program... Call it whatever you want! These are the core principles and objectives of Black Socialists in America. This is what we stand on.
BSA: Core Principles and Objectives 2018
Wicked problem
Wicked problem
In planning and policy, a wicked problem is a problem that is difficult or impossible to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that are often difficult to recognize. It refers to an idea or problem that cannot be fixed, where there is no single solution to the problem; and "wicked" denotes resistance to resolution, rather than evil.[1] Another definition is "a problem whose social complexity means that it has no determinable stopping point".[2] Moreover, because of complex interdependencies, the effort to solve one aspect of a wicked problem m...
Wicked problem
Outline of political science
Outline of political science
The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to politics and political science:
Outline of political science
The Path to Degrowth in Overdeveloped Countries
The Path to Degrowth in Overdeveloped Countries
"The Path to Degrowth in Overdeveloped Countries" written by Erik Assadourian is the second chapter of the Worldwatch Institute's State of the World (2012)[1], available for free online[2], along with these other chapters from the report:
The Path to Degrowth in Overdeveloped Countries
Policy analysis
Policy analysis
Policy analysis is a technique used in public administration to enable civil servants, activists, and others to examine and evaluate the available options to implement the goals of laws and elected officials. The process is also used in the administration of large organizations with complex policies. It has been defined as the process of "determining which of various policies will achieve a given set of goals in light of the relations between the policies and the goals."[1]
Policy analysis
Policy studies
Policy studies
Policy studies is a subdisicipline of political science that includes the analysis of the process of policymaking (the policy process) and the contents of policy (policy analysis).[1] Policy analysis includes substantive area research (such as health or education policy), program evaluation and impact studies, and policy design.[2] It "involves systematically studying the nature, causes, and effects of alternative public policies, with particular emphasis on determining the policies that will achieve given goals."[3] It emerged in the United States in the 1960s and 1...
Policy studies
Systems theory in political science
Systems theory in political science
Systems theory in political science is a highly abstract, partly holistic view of politics, influenced by cybernetics. The adaptation of system theory to political science was first conceived by David Easton in 1953.
Systems theory in political science
The Global Goals
The Global Goals
In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 goals for a better world by 2030. These goals have the power to end poverty, fight inequality and address the urgency of climate change. Guided by the goals, it is now up to all of us, governments, businesses, civil society and the general public to work together to build a better future for everyone.
The Global Goals