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Qui est Eugen Rochko, le jeune créateur du réseau social Mastodon ?
Qui est Eugen Rochko, le jeune créateur du réseau social Mastodon ?
L’informaticien allemand de 29 ans a créé, en 2016, le réseau social alternatif et non lucratif Mastodon, dont le nombre d’utilisateurs connaît une folle ascension à la suite du rachat de Twitter par Elon Musk.
Qui est Eugen Rochko, le jeune créateur du réseau social Mastodon ?
Jon Bell (
Jon Bell (
I'm about to leave Mastodon for a few months. Not because I had a bad time, or couldn't find interesting people, or don't think the concept of a fediverse is dumb. On the contrary, I think it's great. I just have other stuff to do. But before I go, I want to share some thoughts as an ex-Twitter designer and someone who's been on Mastodon since 2018. #mastodon #twitter #ux #design #critique #hashtags #introduction 🧵
Jon Bell (
Mastodon Autopost
Mastodon Autopost
A Wordpress Plugin that automatically posts your new articles to Mastodon. The best: It is set and forget!
Mastodon Autopost
How to use a security key as two-factor authentication on your Mastodon account
How to use a security key as two-factor authentication on your Mastodon account
This is a continuation of my post on enabling two-factor authentication. For users new to two-factor authentication, I highly recommend you start there. Recent versions of Mastodon allow you to add a security key as an alternate form of a second factor. What’s a security key? Basically, you can use...
How to use a security key as two-factor authentication on your Mastodon account
Is Mastodon Private and Secure? Let’s Take a Look
Is Mastodon Private and Secure? Let’s Take a Look
This post is part of a series on Mastodon and the fediverse. We also have a post on why the fediverse will be great—if we don't screw it up, and more are on the way. You can follow EFF on Mastodon here.With so many users migrating to Mastodon as their micro-blogging service of choice, a lot of...
Is Mastodon Private and Secure? Let’s Take a Look
The Fediverse Could Be Awesome (if we don’t screw it up)
The Fediverse Could Be Awesome (if we don’t screw it up)
This post is part of a series on Mastodon and the fediverse. We also have a post on security and privacy on Mastodon, and more are on the way. You can follow EFF on Mastodon here.Something remarkable is happening. For the past two weeks, people have been leaving Twitter. Many others are reducing...
The Fediverse Could Be Awesome (if we don’t screw it up)
Exploring Mastodon
Exploring Mastodon
With the current uncertainty over Twitter, I'm starting to explore using Mastodon
Exploring Mastodon
Mastodon: mucho más que una alternativa a…
Mastodon: mucho más que una alternativa a…
Ante una nueva oleada migratoria usuaries de Mastodon nos cuentan su experiencia habitando una red social libre y descentralizada.
Mastodon: mucho más que una alternativa a…
Mi nueva instancia de Mastodon
Mi nueva instancia de Mastodon
Muchos os preguntareis el porque de montar una instancia de un solo usuario, para mi es simple, no me gusta depender de otros si puedo tenerlo yo.
Mi nueva instancia de Mastodon
How to use LibreTranslate with Mastodon – sleeplessbeastie's notes
How to use LibreTranslate with Mastodon – sleeplessbeastie's notes
Install LibreTranslate and configure Mastodon to take advantage of it. This is a minimal viable product for testing alongside Mastodon instance installed from the source code, bare-metal only. See additional notes at the end of this document. Install dependencies. $ sudo apt install python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools Create libretranslate user. $ sudo useradd --create-home --home-dir /opt/libretranslate…
How to use LibreTranslate with Mastodon – sleeplessbeastie's notes
Journalists want to re-create Twitter on Mastodon. Mastodon is not into it.
Journalists want to re-create Twitter on Mastodon. Mastodon is not into it.
pEver since Elon Musk completed his $45 billion takeover of Twitter last month, there has been a steady stream of users, including a number of journalists, signing up for Mastodon, an open-source alternative. No one controls Mastodon—or rather, everyone controls their own version of it. There are thousands of servers running the software, and each […]/p
Journalists want to re-create Twitter on Mastodon. Mastodon is not into it.
Hope for a Post-Musk Net
Hope for a Post-Musk Net
A federated future and suggestions for citizens and institutions
Hope for a Post-Musk Net
How to Get Started on Mastodon
How to Get Started on Mastodon
Interested in trying the social network everyone's flocking to? Here's what you need to know to find your way around and build community.
How to Get Started on Mastodon
Mantenimiento de Mastodon: Eliminar usuarios que no se han conectado desde una fecha concreta
Mantenimiento de Mastodon: Eliminar usuarios que no se han conectado desde una fecha concreta
Ser administrador de un nodo de Mastodon, es una tarea bastante compleja de llevar. Todo va a depender también del número de usuarios que tengas. Pero con estas últimas oleadas por la compra de la red social del pájaro, la limpieza de la base de datos es algo importante.
Mantenimiento de Mastodon: Eliminar usuarios que no se han conectado desde una fecha concreta
Entrevista/colaboración con C3PO - El cuarto de GatoOscuro
Entrevista/colaboración con C3PO - El cuarto de GatoOscuro
De las casualidades de la vida, me encontraba realizando una recopilación de los mejores sitios alternativos para crear un blog, en uno de esos espacios decidí colocar a Gemini, eraSeguir leyendo Entrevista/colaboración con C3PO
Entrevista/colaboración con C3PO - El cuarto de GatoOscuro