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Fediverse Roundup - SoylentNews
Fediverse Roundup - SoylentNews
Fediverse Roundup -- article related to The Main Page and Software.
Fediverse Roundup - SoylentNews
Fediscience is the social network for scientists.
🏞️ Revisiting the public commons
🏞️ Revisiting the public commons
What can a medieval concept teach us about our public digital town squares
🏞️ Revisiting the public commons
El Fedivers explicat per a periodistes: Mastodon és només una part
El Fedivers explicat per a periodistes: Mastodon és només una part
💡Artículo en castellano más abajo 👇 Aquestes últimes setmanes hi ha hagut un allau de persones que han decidit canviar l'ocell blau pel Mamut del Fedivers. Jo mateix, que administro el node puc dir que hem rebut moltíssims registres nous. Vam començar dilluns 31 d'octubre sent 250 aproximadament i
El Fedivers explicat per a periodistes: Mastodon és només una part
Mastodon Help - Guía
Mastodon Help - Guía
Una introducción exhaustiva a Mastodon
Mastodon Help - Guía
Pero cómo no va a ser Twitter importante
Pero cómo no va a ser Twitter importante
La plataforma ha servido como catalizador de la movilidad social para aquellos que se dedican a las letras, un fenómeno nunca antes visto
Pero cómo no va a ser Twitter importante
Mastodon está creando Mastodon | Patreon
Mastodon está creando Mastodon | Patreon
Hazte mecenas de Mastodon hoy: lee publicaciones de Mastodon y accede a contenido y experiencias exclusivos en la plataforma de suscripción para artistas y creadores más grande del mundo.
Mastodon está creando Mastodon | Patreon
Social Media Is Dead
Social Media Is Dead
What we call social media networks are anything but. Now that they're beginning to unravel, we should ask what it would take to create social media for people, not advertisers.
Social Media Is Dead
Interesting accounts to follow on Mastodon and the Fediverse
How mercenary hackers sway litigation battles
How mercenary hackers sway litigation battles
A trove of thousands of emails uncovered by Reuters reveals Indian cyber mercenaries hacking parties involved in lawsuits around the world – showing how hired spies have become the secret weapon of litigants seeking an edge.
How mercenary hackers sway litigation battles
Introducing Pinafore for Mastodon
Introducing Pinafore for Mastodon
Today I’m happy to announce a project I’ve been quietly working on for some time: Pinafore. Pinafore is an alternative web client for Mastodon, which looks like this: Here are some of i…
Introducing Pinafore for Mastodon
A quick guide to The Free Network
A quick guide to The Free Network
Behind the complicated history of two supernetworks, and their potential future.
A quick guide to The Free Network
I inspected the website
I inspected the website
I inspected the website and I wrote down some random findings on HTML, CSS and more.
I inspected the website