Effektive Klimapolitik ist gar nicht so schwer
Wie können wir die Welt verändern? - Spektrum der Wissenschaft
What I learned about eco-anxiety after listening to the climate stories of 1,000 people from around the world
Facts Don't Win Fights: Here’s How to Cut Through Confirmation Bias | Tali Sharot | Big Think
Climate change: why is there still a gap between public opinion and scientific consensus, and how can we close it?
Messages can trigger the opposite of their desired effect − but you can avoid communication that backfires
Welche Fehler die Grünen beim Heizgesetz gemacht haben (PDF)
Climate change: yes, your individual action does make a difference
Feeling depleted? So is the planet. Here’s how to move from exhaustion to empowerment
Jo Brand translated my science. I’m certain that comedy can connect people to climate change
Mark Maslin x Jo Brand | Climate Science Translated NSFW
Leave ‘em laughing instead of crying: Climate humor can break down barriers and find common ground
The maths of rightwing populism: easy answers + confidence = reassuring certainty
Über Klima sprechen – Handbuch.pdf
Warum dein bestes Argument nicht immer gewinnt
Umweltpsychologie: »Ich wünsche allen Menschen Klimaangst«
LdN343 Spezial: Jochem Marotzke, Klimaforscher — Lage der Nation - der Politik-Podcast aus Berlin — Overcast
Klimawandel — Wunschwelt und Wirklichkeit