A little playful content navigation effect that uses the draggable Elastic Stack and Snap.svg for animating a background shape like a trampoline. The demos are a tribute to Leonard Nimoy. View demo...
NamingA. You are not a human code compiler/compressor, so don't try to be one.The following code is an example of egregious naming:Without a doubt, you've written code like this - hopefully that ends...
working treeDefinition: The tree of actual checked out files, normally containing the contents of the HEAD commit‘s tree and any local changes you’ve made but haven't yet committed.See All References
Code School Initializing Checking the Status Adding & Committing Adding Changes Checking for Changes Committing Adding All Changes Committing All Changes History Remote Repositories Pushing Remotely...
Chrome’s “Copy as cURL” menu item is useful, but what if you want to duplicate the same request with Node? Curl Converter (GitHub: NickCarneiro/curlconverter, License: MIT, npm: curlconverter) by Nick...