Codepad - Organize and Share Code Snippets

Programming Collections
PhearJS - render any dynamic Javascript page to JSON with PhantomJS.
PhearJS is an API for PhantomJS. It's completely open source and offered as a hosted API.
Taggle.js | Sean Coker
Localtunnel ~ Expose yourself to the world
Line Menu Styles | Codrops
Freebie: Colored Line Icons (SVG, PNG) | Codrops
A set of 30 colored line icons in fresh pastel tones for your next design agency related project. The icons come in vector format (SVG) and PNG.
ridermansb · Gemfury
Package, install, and use your code anywhere. Gemfury is a cloud repository for your private package...
Algolia DocSearch is the easiest way to add search to your documentation. Just send us your URL, and...
Emmet LiveStyle
The first bi-directional real-time edit tool for CSS, LESS and SCSS
npmcdn is a CDN for packages that are published via npm. Use it to quickly and easily load files usi...
MongoDB Hosting: Database-as-a-Service by MongoLab
MongoLab's MongoDB hosting platform is the fastest growing cloud database-as-a-service in the world....
OpenWS stores JSON objects using a simple REST API
Openws is in early beta(*) and we're working hard to provide the best service for you. At the moment...
TitleNotifier.js - Lightweight, dependency-free JS library for title notification
Try it Now! Play around with the buttons below and check the title of the page changing. +1 Notifica...
npm: chakram
Chakram is an API testing framework designed to test JSON REST endpoints. The library offers a BDD t...
perfjankie - Checking browser rendering performance regression
JavaScript Standard Style
No decisions to make. No .eslintrc, .jshintrc, or .jscsrc files to manage. It just works. This modul...
View apps in the Productivity category of the Slack App Directory
TypeScript Builder
A great language deserves a great development environment A complete dev environment for TypeScript ...
Cross-Platform Native Development with Javascript
Build truly native iOS, Android and Windows Phone apps with Javascript and CSS. Try NativeScript ope...
npm: npm-check-updates
Find newer versions of dependencies than what your package.json or bower.json allows
Foundation for Emails | A Responsive Email Framework from ZURB
Do more with a grid designed to work on any device.
Flat UI Colors
Browsersync - Time-saving synchronised browser testing
With each web page, device and browser, testing time grows exponentially. From live reloads to URL p...
What Web Can Do Today
Can I rely on the Web Platform features to build my app? An overview of the device integration HTML5...
Advent of Code
__ ___ _ _ __ ____ __ ___ _ ____ ___ _ ___ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _____ _ ___ ___ ____ ___ ____ _ __ _...
Get HTTPS for free!
ERROR: Your browser is not compatible with this website (this website needs WebCryptoAPI's
sweetalert - A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's "alert"
Color Themes
Author: Brad Burns / Disrupted SinnerGenericpublic class Demo { private static final String CONSTANT...
BEM CSS - Blog | Raphael Fabeni
Bloco, elemento e modificador. Uma pincelada rápida sobre BEM CSS.