nodemonNodemon is a utility that will monitor for any changes in your source and automatically restart your...#reload#npm··Dec 1, 2015nodemon
Brunch - ultra-fast HTML5 build toolInstallation is one-line, once you have node.js. In your console, run: npm install -g brunch Getting...#skeleton#npm··Dec 1, 2015Brunch - ultra-fast HTML5 build tool
Designing for Various UI States — MediumThis post will be part of a series of posts that will go over mistakes and lessons learned working a...··Nov 30, 2015Designing for Various UI States — Medium
jwagner/smartcrop.jssmartcrop.js - Content aware image croppingJavascript Library#javascript#photo#image#crop··Nov 30, 2015jwagner/smartcrop.js
Jump.jsTargetTo jump to an element, pass a CSS selector as a string. To scroll from the current position, p...#effects#javascript#scroll#smooth··Nov 30, 2015Jump.js
• mo · js •motion graphics library for the webJavascript Library#javascript#effects#animation··Nov 23, 2015• mo · js •
TypeSourceGoogle Web Font inspiration in HTML & CSS#font#designer··Nov 19, 2015TypeSource
Hosted cloud search as a service | AlgoliaSearchAlgolia's Search API makes it easy to deliver a great search experience in your apps & websites. Alg...#api#search#javascript··Nov 18, 2015Hosted cloud search as a service | AlgoliaSearch
InstantClick — JS library to make your website instantInstantClick is a JavaScript library that dramatically speeds up your website, making navigation eff...#javascript#performance··Nov 18, 2015InstantClick — JS library to make your website instant
egoist/vue-preloadvue-preload - Preloading data for Vue#javascript#performance··Nov 18, 2015egoist/vue-preload
chalk/chalkchalk - Terminal string styling done right#nodejs#npm#terminal#cli··Nov 17, 2015chalk/chalk
frdmn/hostkeeperhostkeeper - :computer: Vagrant box that comes with a DNS server and a web interface to manage LAN-w...#vagrant#nodejs#dns··Nov 16, 2015frdmn/hostkeeper
nodegit/promisify-nodeWrap Node-callback functions to return Promises.#nodejs#javascript#promisse··Nov 9, 2015nodegit/promisify-node
CodecovContinuous Code Coverage. Hosted coverage report highly integrated with GitHub, Bitbucket and GitLab...#study··Nov 7, 2015Codecov
szwacz/electron-boilerplateBoilerplate application for Electron runtime#electron··Nov 6, 2015szwacz/electron-boilerplate
jonathantneal/postcss-time-machinepostcss-time-machine - Fix mistakes in the design of CSS itself#css#nodejs#tools··Nov 6, 2015jonathantneal/postcss-time-machine
locales.lstGenerate locale json files from a single list file#nodejs··Nov 5, 2015locales.lst
Real Time, Open Source Data Sync - TelepatReal Time Map information to real-time object channels. Use sockets and push notifications to keep o...#backend#api··Nov 3, 2015Real Time, Open Source Data Sync - Telepat
json(1) - JSON love for your command linejson(1) json tool manual json(1) NAME json - JSON love for your command line SYNOPSIS something-gene...#json#nodejs··Nov 3, 2015json(1) - JSON love for your command line
louischatriot/nedbnedb - Embedded datastore for node.js#database#nodejs··Oct 26, 2015louischatriot/nedb
GitBookGitBook is where you create, write and organize documentation and books with your team.#github#documentation#gitbook··Oct 26, 2015GitBook
PhotonPowered by Electron Underneath it all is Electron. Originally built for GitHub's Atom text editor, E...#electron#css#framework··Oct 26, 2015Photon
shellshare: live terminal broadcastShellshare allows you to broadcast your terminal live with a single command.#shell#linux#bash··Oct 23, 2015shellshare: live terminal broadcast
Corpus. A collection of CSS things.Corpus is yet another CSS toolkit. It’s basically a collection of the things I find myself returning...#css#framework··Oct 7, 2015Corpus. A collection of CSS things.