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đŸș Rigoladrink N°63 - dĂ©cembre 2020
đŸș Rigoladrink N°63 - dĂ©cembre 2020
đŸș Les #Rigoladrink sont des apĂ©ros-rĂ©seautage #NETWORKING #AFTERWORK transverses organisĂ©s chaque fin de mois visant Ă  faciliter les rencontres et Ă  dĂ©velopper son rĂ©seau dans une ambiance chaleureuse et conviviale. 🎯 C'est l'occasion de rencontrer en chair et en os les contacts issus de nos rĂ©seaux sociaux (Linkedin, Facebook, Behance, Twitter) pour faire connaissance, tisser des liens de long terme autour d'intĂ©rĂȘts communs au fil des rencontres, prĂ©senter des projets, etc. 📱 C'est aussi l'opportunitĂ© de prĂ©senter vos profils et activitĂ©s ainsi que de faire part de vos problĂ©matiques et b...
đŸș Rigoladrink N°63 - dĂ©cembre 2020
We Noh - Apps on Google Play
We Noh - Apps on Google Play
Welcome to the world of Japanese Noh drama! With this app, anyone can enjoy the exquisite world of the intangible cultural heritage that is the classical art of Noh. Even if you have only 5 minutes before the performance, you can watch the animated stories of the plays or read the highlights and synopsis so that you can fully enjoy the actual dramas. Each play is provided with cards depicting and explaining the costumes, masks and props used in it. You can also learn about Noh through games. Whether you are viewing a live performance or not, this app will give you an insight into the world ...
We Noh - Apps on Google Play