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🗃️ Curator - mai 2022
🗃️ Curator - mai 2022
🗃️ Les #Curator sont des moments d'échanges et de partage de ressources qui se déroule en ligne lors d'une émission mensuelle. PROGRAMME + Curator (Ressources) : Outils, applications, guides, blogs + Trombinobus (Portraits) : Rencontre, mise en avant + Resel (Réseautage) : Profils, projets, communautés + Agora (Discussions) : Edito, actualités, infos, point de vue + Calendarius (Agenda) : Événements, agenda local RESSOURCES + Curator playlist Youtube : + Curator 2022 : + Curator Bestof : + Curator féminisme :
🗃️ Curator - mai 2022
🐿️ Event Planning Blueprint
🐿️ Event Planning Blueprint
Welcome to the fun side of building your event business. "I started my event business after 15 years in the industry, and I love the Boost Your Event Business program because it has everything I need in one place!” - Elaine W. Learn more at: Melanie Woodward, Founded and created Event Planning Blueprint as a result of building her event planning business. She has planned events around the world, worked with celebrities and sports professionals, and managed multi-million dollar events. These tools showcase Melanie's unique ability to create efficiencies while adding value and avoiding common business mistakes. Those who use Event Planning Blueprint will save not only time and money, they will demonstrate a level of professionalism that reflects years of event planning experience.
🐿️ Event Planning Blueprint
🦊🧰 Abondance
🦊🧰 Abondance
Abondance d'infos sur le référencement (SEO : Search Engine Optimization) et les moteurs de recherche : actualité, audit, méthodologies, formations, articles, offres d'emploi, bibliographie, etc. Abondance est le site web d'Olivier Andrieu, consultant SEO depuis plus de 25 ans en France et auteur de plus de 20 ouvrages sur le sujet. Abondance de biens ne nuit pas... ;-)
🦊🧰 Abondance