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Découvrons ensemble le Discovery Tour de Assassin's Creed Origins, un espèce de musée interactif qui regorge d'informations sur l'Egypte Antique ! ◤MES RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX◢ 🐦 Twitter ► 👥 Facebook ► ◤MON BLOG◢ 🌐
Discovery Tour par Ubisoft : Ressources de l'enseignant | Ubisoft (UK)
Discovery Tour par Ubisoft : Ressources de l'enseignant | Ubisoft (UK)
Assassin's Creed Discovery Tour est une façon amusante d'apprendre l'histoire. Suivez des visites guidées et répondez à des quizz tout en explorant le monde antique. Vous pouvez en apprendre plus sur les visites du Discovery Tour ici.
Discovery Tour par Ubisoft : Ressources de l'enseignant | Ubisoft (UK)
Total War™: ROME II - Emperor Edition on Steam
Total War™: ROME II - Emperor Edition on Steam
Emperor Edition is the definitive edition of ROME II, featuring an improved politics system, overhauled building chains, rebalanced battles and improved visuals in both campaign and battleEmperor Edition contains all free feature updates since its release in 2013, which includes bug fixes, balancing, Twitch.
Total War™: ROME II - Emperor Edition on Steam
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI on Steam
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI on Steam
Civilization VI offers new ways to interact with your world, expand your empire across the map, advance your culture, and compete against history’s greatest leaders to build a civilization that will stand the test of time. Play as one of 20 historical leaders including Roosevelt (America) and Victoria (England).
Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI on Steam
Why Are Cats Mythology’s Most Popular Creatures? | Fate & Fabled
Why Are Cats Mythology’s Most Popular Creatures? | Fate & Fabled
Not quite deities and definitely not human, cats have stalked our cultural imagination since ancient times. As demons, defenders, evil sidekicks, and sleek companions, they play many roles in culture and myth. But what makes cats so enduring, and what does our feline fascination tell us about human nature? Hosted by Dr. Moiya McTier & Dr. Emily Zarka, FATE & FABLED explores the stories and characters of mythologies from all around the world - why they came to be and how they impact us still today. Hosted by: Moiya McTier, PhD & Emily Zarka, PhD Written by: Iseult Gillespie Director: David Schulte Executive Producer: Amanda Fox Producer: Thomas Fernandes Editor / Animator: Steven Simone Assistant Editor: Jordyn Buckland Illustrator: Sophie Calhoun Script Editors: Emily Zarka, PhD & Moiya McTier, PhD Fact Checker: Yvonne McGreevy Additional Footage: Shutterstock Music: APM Music Executive in Charge (PBS): Maribel Lopez Director of Programming (PBS): Gabrielle Ewing Fate & Fabled is produced by Spotzen for PBS Digital Studios.
Why Are Cats Mythology’s Most Popular Creatures? | Fate & Fabled
How Isis Brought Her True Love Back From the Dead | Fate & Fabled
How Isis Brought Her True Love Back From the Dead | Fate & Fabled
For the Ancient Egyptians, the cycle of life itself began and ended with Isis and Osiris. Their story is one of the oldest known myths, and it informed spiritual beliefs, power structures, and gender roles in Ancient Egypt and beyond. And who wouldn’t be drawn to a tale that has it all? Hosted by Dr. Moiya McTier & Dr. Emily Zarka, FATE & FABLED explores the stories and characters of mythologies from all around the world - why they came to be and how they impact us still today. Host / Writer: Emily Zarka, PhD Written by: Iseult Gillespie Director: David Schulte Executive Producer: Amanda Fox Producer: Thomas Fernandes Editor / Animator: P.W. Shelton Assistant Editor: Jordyn Buckland Illustrator: Sophie Calhoun Script Editors: Emily Zarka, PhD & Moiya McTier, PhD Fact Checker: Yvonne McGreevy Additional Footage: Shutterstock Music: APM Music Executive in Charge (PBS): Maribel Lopez Director of Programming (PBS): Gabrielle Ewing Fate & Fabled is produced by Spotzen for PBS Digital Studios.
How Isis Brought Her True Love Back From the Dead | Fate & Fabled
Bienvenue au pays des pyramides, sur la chaîne d'égyptologie ToutankaTube présentée par Amandine Marshall, Docteur en Egyptologie. Vous trouvez les sujets scientifiques sur l’Egypte ancienne barbants ou compliqués, ToutankaTube est fait pour vous ! Au menu, des révélations sur des momies explosives, ratées ou même fausses, des révélations surprenantes sur des pharaons, l'envers du décor de la mort de Cléopâtre ou encore des dieux pas toujours réglos ! Et si certaines vidéos traiteront de mystères et de malédictions, ce ne sont certainement pas ceux auxquels vous vous attendiez ! Et pour les enfants et enseignants, il y a aussi NefertiTube !!!