NefertiTube is the first Egyptological channel created for children and teachers in a simple and accessible language so they can discover general subjects about ancient Egypt.
Being A Female Bodyguard In Korea | EVERYDAY BOSSES #20
Being a bodyguard is widely regarded as a job for men, especially in Korean society. So how is it like to be a female bodyguard in Korea? We talked with Choi...
Being a Single Mother in Korea | THE VOICELESS #31
We want to thank Kang Moon-Jung for sharing her inspiring story. Korean Unwed Mothers’ Families Association (KUMFA) is an organization that was started by an...
Let's talk about tiktok, male gaze, female gaze, toxic gender roles, kylo ren & feminine eboys. Click here and use my code SALEM20 for...
Being a Single Mother in Japan | THE VOICELESS #33
Single mothers face a continuous culture of shame in Japan. For this interview, we meet a single mother who gave birth out of wedlock and is currently workin...
Like this video about the evolution of the speculum and subscribe to Freethink here: the full article on the...
The quantum realm is Professor Loh Huanqian’s playground, where she assembles atoms and molecules like Lego blocks to achieve scalable quantum computing.