all things engineering

all things engineering

Reliably Testing Race Conditions
Reliably Testing Race Conditions
A guide to using Javascript promises to build trustworthy race condition tests. We'll explore how to use JS Promises to build trustworthy race condition tests.
Reliably Testing Race Conditions
An Unsatisfying Adventure
An Unsatisfying Adventure
As a software developer, I know first-hand how difficult it is to build quality products quickly and cheaply. It’s an art form that we sometimes get right, and other times devolves into something akin to the Obama era healthcare government site. Our level of control over the resulting product varies, and blame for failure often falls on the wrong people in the decision-making hierarchy. Microsoft’s Azure DevOps (formerly known as Visual Studio Team Services), despite clearly good intentions, is a perfect storm of bad decisions and poor execution.
An Unsatisfying Adventure
GitHub launches Actions, its workflow automation tool
GitHub launches Actions, its workflow automation tool
For the longest time, GitHub was all about storing source code and sharing it either with the rest of the world or your colleagues. Today, the company, which is in the process of being acquired by Microsoft, is taking a step in a different but related direction by launching GitHub Actions. Actions allow developers to […]
GitHub launches Actions, its workflow automation tool