Ask HN: What is interviewing like now with everyone using AI? | Hacker News

all things engineering
An underrated software engineering interview question – Jake Zimmerman
I love bug squash interviews.
What's actually going on with Google and Facebook hiring freezes? We surveyed 1000 engineers to find out.
To make sense of all the contradictory info on Google & Facebook hiring freezes, we surveyed hundreds of engineers who are interviewing there right now.
What do the best interviewers have in common? We looked at thousands of real interviews to find out.
At, we’ve analyzed and written at some depth about what makes for a good interview from the perspective of an interviewee. However, despite the inherent power imbalance, interviewing is a two-way street. I wrote a while ago about how, in this market, recruiting isn’t about vetting as
Killing the Coding Interview
The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code
Have you ever heard of SEMA? It’s a fairly esoteric system for measuring how good a software team is. No, wait! Don’t follow that link! It will take you about six years just to understa…