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5 Types Of ZSH Aliases You Should Know
5 Types Of ZSH Aliases You Should Know
In ZSH you can increase your productivity with aliases. This post explains 5 types of aliases that you should know. Boost your shell productivity now and make ZSH your own
5 Types Of ZSH Aliases You Should Know
12 Factor CLI Apps – Jeff Dickey – Medium
12 Factor CLI Apps – Jeff Dickey – Medium
CLIs are a fantastic way to build products. Unlike web applications, they take a small fraction of the time to build and are much more…
12 Factor CLI Apps – Jeff Dickey – Medium
CLI: improved
CLI: improved
I'm not sure many web developers can get away without visiting the command line. As for me, I've been using the command line since 1997, first at university when I felt both super cool l33t-hacker and simultaneously utterly out of my depth. Over the years my command line habits have improved and I often search for smarter tools for the jobs I commonly do. With that said, here's my current list of improved CLI tools.
CLI: improved