Throughout my career, the biggest mistake I see engineers make is doing too much work on their own before looping in others. I’ve experienced this mistake as both an IC and a manager. A…
20 Things I've Learned in my 20 Years as a Software Engineer
Important, Read This First You’re about to read a blog post with a lot of advice. Learning from those who came before us is instrumental to success, but we often forget an important caveat. Almost all advice is contextual, yet it is rarely delivered with any context. “You just need to charge more!” says the company […]
Postgres Full-Text Search: A Search Engine in a Database
With Postgres, you don't need to immediately look farther than your own database management system for a full-text search solution. If you haven't yet given Postgres' built-in full-text search a try, read on for a simple intro.
Read the essay Shopify's CEO sent to managers to remind them they are a sports team, not a family. It shows the growing tension between leaders and employees in the corporate world.
Shopify CEO Tobi Lütke told managers to help employees stay focused but "poor performance and divisiveness cannot be tolerated."
I think the folks building Tailwind are talented and nice people. But at a pure technical level, I simply don't like Tailwind. Whoever it was built for, it was not built for me.
Performance clearly matters to users. For example, the most common software update on the AppStore is "Bug fixes and performance enhancements." Now that Moore's Law has ended, programmers have to work hard to get high performance for their applications. But why is performance hard to deliver? I will first explain why current approaches to evaluating and optimizing performance don't work, especially on modern hardware and for modern applications. I then present two systems that address these challenges. Stabilizer is a tool that enables statistically sound performance evaluation, making it p...
JavaScript Engines: The Good Parts™ - Mathias Bynens & Benedikt Meurer - JSConf EU 2018
Blog post: JavaScript has definitely been among the most influential technologies for almost a decade now. A lot of this is due to the sophisticated JavaScript VMs in modern browsers, Node.js and Electron. In this talk we’re going to explore important ingredients of these modern JavaScript VMs, specifically how ChakraCore, the engine that powers Microsoft Edge, and V8, the engine that powers Google Chrome, compare to each other for certain key features. OMG JSConf EU is coming back in 2019
Lexical Scanning in Go, a talk by Rob Pike at Google Technology User Group given on Tuesday, 30 August 2011. The slides:
Redis open source project leaders Yossi Gottlieb and Oran Arga share the new community-driven governance structure for how Redis will be managed going forward.
I'm making over $800 per month with my music— almost exclusively through Spotify. This up from $400 per month last year. I don't tour, I don't sell merch and I'm not on a major label. I'm just a small indie artist making music in my evenings— and Spotify is making that possible.
10X thinking: The Growth Story of Giphy by the Founder Alex Chung
Everything you need to know about exponential growth presented candidly by two experts on the subject. Alex Chung, Founder of GIPHY, and Paul Murphy, Partner...