The Project Jengo Saga: How Cloudflare Stood up to a Patent Troll – and Won!We don’t plan to settle, and if brought into such litigation again in the future, we think we have a pretty good blueprint for how to respond.#legal··Nov 5, 2019The Project Jengo Saga: How Cloudflare Stood up to a Patent Troll – and Won!
Synthetic Data Blog | TonicEngineering insights, industry trends, and product news about synthetic data generation from Tonic.#legal#ccpa#gdpr··Feb 1, 2019Synthetic Data Blog | Tonic
I won $8,000 from Equifax in Small Claims Court. Here’s how you can, too.It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, but it is an opportunity to show Big Corp what you’re made of.#legal··Jan 24, 2018I won $8,000 from Equifax in Small Claims Court. Here’s how you can, too.