Scaling React Server-Side Rendering
React Today and Tomorrow and 90% Cleaner React
The first three talks from React Conf 2018 by Sophie Alpert, Dan Abramov, and Ryan Florence. Learn more about Hooks at
Introducing Hooks – React
A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
React Native at Airbnb – Airbnb Engineering & Data Science – Medium
In 2016, we took a big bet on React Native. Two years later, we’re ready to share our experience with the world and show what’s next.
Github Stars !== Usage: React is still blowing Vue and Angular Away
Last week there was a fairly momentous occurance in the JavaScript framework world: Vue.js passed React.js in the number of people who have 'starred' it on Github.
Blogged Answers: Redux - Not Dead Yet! · Mark's Dev Blog
React Native vs Real Native Apps – codeburst
If you’re into mobile app development, the name of React Native mustn’t be new for you. The term has been trending in the world of…
Dan Abramov - Live React: Hot Reloading with Time Travel at react-europe 2015
React’s unique strength is bringing to JavaScript development some of the benefits previously exclusive to more radically functional languages such as Elm an...