
frontend utilities & libraries
PACE — Automatic page load progress bars
Pace is a Javascript and CSS library to automatically add beautiful progress and activity indicators for page loads and ajax navigation. It is free and open source and was developed by HubSpot developers Adam Schwartz (@adamfschwartz) and Zack Bloom (@zackbloom).
Hover.css - A collection of CSS3 powered hover effects
Reveal Animations When Scrolling — WOW.js
WOW.js is a JavaScript plugin that reveals animations when you scroll. Very Animate.css Friend.
Extract prominent colors from an image.
A beautiful replacement for JavaScript's 'alert'
Minimalistic animation library in javascript. Fast, lightweight and easy-to-use.
Progress Button Styles
Progress Button Styles: Creative effects for loading buttons
PleaseWait | A Loading Page for your SPA by Pathgather
PleaseWait is a small Javascript library that shows a beautiful loading page for your SPA while it loads.
Moment.js | Home
A simple and fast zero-dependencies-library to transform text-selections into serializable markings.
Intro.js - Step-by-step guide and feature introduction for your website
GoldenLayout- a multi-window javascript layout manager for webapps
FlowType.JS — Responsive web typography at its finest: font-size and line-height based on element width. | Simple Focus
JavaScript library to create physics-based animations
Typeset.js – an HTML pre-processor for web typography
A typographic pre-processor for your HTML which uses zero client-side JavaScript and gives you: