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The Art of Color Coordination
The Art of Color Coordination
Colors affect us in countless ways—mentally and physically, consciously and subconsciously. Psychologists have suggested that color impression can account for 60% of the acceptance or rejection of a...
The Art of Color Coordination
After Effects Tutorials for Beginners
After Effects Tutorials for Beginners
Overview and getting started with after effects, intro project, animation, pre-composing and nesting, understanding text, color correction, masks, shapes and rotoscoping, 3d, tracking, stabilization...
After Effects Tutorials for Beginners
Mondial |Sua Melhor Escolha
Mondial |Sua Melhor Escolha
Portáteis, Ventiladores, Eletrônicos, Cuidados Pessoais com design moderno, qualidade e preço adequado fazem parte da linha de produtos da Mondial.
Mondial |Sua Melhor Escolha
ESPN Sports Programming
ESPN Sports Programming
Welcome to ESPN’s catalogue of amazing sports programming available for distribution on media platforms worldwide. Never stop being a fan.
ESPN Sports Programming
Readymag is an online design tool which helps creative professionals to easily create microsites, portfolios, presentations, digital magazines and more.
Radiooooo - music player
Radiooooo - music player is a wonderful musical machine that allows you to travel through space and time!
Radiooooo - music player
Canva – Amazingly simple graphic design
Canva – Amazingly simple graphic design
Canva makes design simple for everyone. Create designs for Web or print: blog graphics, presentations, Facebook covers, flyers, posters, invitations and so much more.
Canva – Amazingly simple graphic design
Gradify is a module which finds the most prominent colors in any image, and produces a scalable, responsive CSS gradient. This can provide a less jarring experience as image placeholders.
Trianglify Generator
Trianglify Generator
Hi! You've stumbled across a pre-release tool I'm not quite done with yet. Beware, there be bugs! Currently, you'll have the best luck with this site in the latest version Chrome or Safari on OSX
Trianglify Generator
Zoommy helps you find awesome free stock photos for your creative product or inspiration
Material icons - Google Design
Material icons - Google Design
Material icons are beautifully crafted, delightful, and easy to use in your web, Android, and iOS projects.
Material icons - Google Design
Glyph, a versatile SVG icon set
Glyph, a versatile SVG icon set
Glyph is a semantic and versatile SVG icon set designed for customization, allow you to style anything with a single line of CSS
Glyph, a versatile SVG icon set
Uber Brand Guidelines
Uber Brand Guidelines
The Uber brand is more than a name. It’s a set of values, attributes, and artwork that reflects the spirit of our company. Using it consistently will reinforce our passion and commitment to providing a world class experience.
Uber Brand Guidelines
The Killer WordPress Checklist Infographic
The Killer WordPress Checklist Infographic
Regardless of whether you are a beginner or a WordPress expert, this particular checklist will benefit anyone who is in the process of developing a new WordPress website.
The Killer WordPress Checklist Infographic
Invest spare change automatically from everyday purchases into a diversified portfolio.
Look What You Can Do | MailChimp
Look What You Can Do | MailChimp
More than 8 million people use MailChimp to send beautiful newsletters. You could be one of them.
Look What You Can Do | MailChimp